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Stunning Long Hair Styles For 1999


Pret-A-Porter Collections for the 1999-2000

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I recently managed to get my hot little hands on several gorgeous photographs of hair styles worn by the models in the latest Pret-A-Porter Collection for the 1999-2000 seasons.

As always, the clothes were stunning and the models were gorgeous. What was truly amazing was the vast numbers of models, women and men alike, that walked down the runways in very long hair.

Whether they were wearing their own natural locks or had help from hair extensions, it didn't alter the spectacular visions of thick flowing capes of shiny and gorgeous hair.

Many of the models had cascading sweeps of hair that extended to their thighs. Some had "bra length" or longer locks.

Although a lot of the models wore their long luscious locks freely, there was a definite trend towards multi-tied, multi-parted sections of hair, layered knots, tiny well placed accent braids, thick loops or hair wraps around the neck and face and "crowns" of braids.

Multi-Sectioned, Multi-Tied, Multi-Parted Hair

Pret-A-Porter Collections for the 1999-2000

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An example of the multi-sectioned, multi-tied, multi-parted hairstyle is shown throughout this article. This style was created by Carita for Jean-Claude Gallon and was worn by several of the models in the Christian LaCroix Collection.

This style is especially beautiful. The gorgeous long hair is tied in loose layered sections on top of the crown and then gathered into a ponytail at the nape of the neck with multiple ribbons or ties scattered along the length of the ponytail.

Although this hairstyle looks complicated, it really isn't. This hair style works best on hair that is "day old" hair rather than freshly washed.

Although the style is shown in this article on very long hair, it can also be worn on any hair that is long enough to be parted into multiple sections.

It should be noted that Jennifer Anniston wore a version of this style several months ago that was tied off with a type of twine.

Pret-A-Porter Collections for the 1999-2000

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To recreate the style, brush all your hair so that it is very smooth. Achieve a beautiful shine by applying a tiny amount of shine product to the palms of your hands and then smooth it throughout your hair.

Although it is recommended that you create this style on dry hair, you can also create it on wet hair and let it dry before adding the ribbons or ties. If you prefer, you can use a good styling gel to give your hair more manageability.

Create a series of tiny parts throughout your hair starting at the front of your head and working backwards towards the nape of your neck. You can make the parts as small as you like.

The Key Is A Series Of Parts

Pret-A-Porter Collections for the 1999-2000

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The key is to make a series of parts so that you can section your hair into 1-2" sections.

As you section the hair, tie a ribbon or other material in the middle of the section between the roots and the ends of the section. Create a pattern that allows the hair to flow towards the back of your head.

Continue to section and tie the hair until you reach the nape of your neck. Pull all the remaining hair from the sections into a ponytail and tie with a matching ribbon or cord.

Tie ribbons or cords every few inches down the length of the ponytail in an even or uneven pattern.

If you prefer, you can section only the outside fringe of your crown area and pull the bulk of your hair into the nape ponytail. You can use any type of ribbon or cord or string or rope or other material that will tie the sections of the hair.

In the photo to the right, ribbon that looks like very long shoelaces is used to tie off the ponytail sections. The beauty of this style is that is can be dressed up or dressed down depending on the event.

Pret-A-Porter Collections for the 1999-2000

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You could use dressy velvet or satin ribbons to tie off the sections for special occasions. For daily wear consider uses twine, thin rope strands, shoe laces or anything that suits your fancy. You can also use hair ties, scrunchies or similar items.

This hairstyle gives you the option to section the hair in limited areas, throughout the entire crown or a combination of both.

This style will work with or without bangs. The model to the left has one side part with limited sections tied in the back of the crown.

Notice that the ribbon used to tie her section is left with long "tails" so that the ribbon tails stand out from the hair and draw attention to the style.

Pret-A-Porter Collections for the 1999-2000

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You also have the option to use jeweled hair clips or hair pins or barrettes instead of ribbon to tie off or section off the hair.

To achieve the perfect pattern of parts and sections on your hair you may need to ask a friend to help you with the first try.

If you practice, you should be able to master this look on your own.

When you are uncertain about how many sections or parts to add, start slowly with just a few and work your way up to multiple parts and sections.

Whatever path you decide to take with this style, it will look great.

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- Revised Publication Date: 01/18/10

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